The Appalachian Trail Runs Through This North Carolina Town And It's The Ultimate Outdoor Playground

Posted in North Carolina Hiking , Nature July 05, 2023 by Carolyn Harmon The Appalachian Trail makes Hot Springs a small-town outdoor playground in...

July 6, 2023
2:02 AM

Posted in North Carolina Hiking , Nature July 05, 2023 by Carolyn Harmon The Appalachian Trail makes Hot Springs a small-town outdoor playground in North Carolina. Remarkably — it is the only town in the state where the AT travels directly through town. One way to enjoy this experience is by hiking the section of the Appalachian Trail that leads from Garenflo Gap to the town of Hot Springs. The route is fairly wooded, yet there are nice vistas along the way. But for some, they have already come a long way, making this small town a welcome relief for a 'zero' day.

Carolyn Harmon